Wednesday, April 14, 2010

10. Beware of Working Gays.

a little while ago, Governor Bob McDonnell, of Virginia, passed a measure that excludes the LGBT community from an anti-discrimination law.

but be cool, my babies: surely there's a reasonable explanation for this.



i mean, it's a law, right?

the thought process probably went something like this:

1. gayness is a choice.

2. gays make bad choices.

3. if they were smart, they'd wanna keep overpopulating the planet.

4. crazies.

5. crazies don't belong in the workplace.

6. they belong in asylums and closets.

7. gays look better in uniforms/suits/pantsuits.

8. it's harder to make hospital gowns as flattering as pantsuits/suits/uniforms.

9. lack of sunlight wouldn't do them any good, either.

10. they'd be pale.

11. and powerless.

12. unless they were vampires.

13. in which case, they'd just be pale.

14. then we'd know for sure that they were evil.

15. it's science.

16. God invented science.

17. but He didn't invent gayness.

18. they belong in asylums and closets.

19. plus, i'm pretty sure they'd be checking us out all the time.

20. distracting.

21. science.

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