Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4. Get a Prescription for Ritalin.

a train of thought i recorded several days ago, when i was supposed to be studying. or weeks. i can't count.

1. McGonagall was Dumbledore's fruit fly.

2. ...Dumbledore was totally McGonagall's lesbro.

3. if the Three Broomsticks had a Witches' Night...

4. ...or a Wizards' night...

5. ...or if Hogwarts had a GSA.

6. if witches and wizards bother with practicing safe sex...

7. ...Protego!

8. why didn't Harry accio the golden egg?

9. why didn't Hermione ever bitch-slap Harry/Ron?

10. is transitioning for a witch-to-wizard or wizard-to-witch easier?

11. there a spell for that?

12. what if you're a witch/wizard who identifies more as, say, a centaur?

13. why can't i get a degree in Witches Studies?

14. i don't know what to do with my life.

15. i can't even get this paper done without getting completely distracted.

16. is there a potion for ADD?

17. i bet i have undiagnosed ADD.

18. it'd explain a lot of things.

19. like that time i randomly blurted out the number 2 when, apparently, the professor had asked, "What percentage of the world is Asian?"

20. i wish i was more Asian.

21. only sometimes, though.

22. except when i'm applying for things.

23. i feel like people grade Asians harder.

24. it's lucky i have an ambiguous name, that leans a little more toward the brown side.

25. it actually sounds almost British, til you get to the last name.

26. i wish i was British.

27. i'd like to raise my kids in the UK, just so they'd speak in cute accents and call me "mum" or "mummy."

28. "mum" is probably one of my favorite words.

29. my second-favorite is "fancy."

30. my absolute-favorite is "douche."

31. "douche" is a magical word that i refuse to use too much, because i worry that i'll get tired of it.

32. it's a noun.

33. and an adjective.

34. onomatopoeia.

35. French.

36. i wanted to learn French more than i ever wanted to learn Spanish.

37. when i'm at a Mexican/Mexican-themed restaurant, where the menu items are Spanish-y, i have to pep myself up in order to say the name properly.

38. usually, i still panic when it's my turn to order and end up saying things with hard r's and a slight valley-girl accent.

39. whenever i think back to particularly embarrassing moments, my body literally convulses.

40. laughing out loud actually helps keep the convulsions under control.

41. so i sound crazy rather than look crazy.

42. i laugh in all situations.

43. it got me kicked out of a haunted trail once, because, when something jumped out at me, i jumped, panicked, and laughed long and hard out of anxiety.

44. i also stare at people uncomfortably when i'm feeling especially awkward.

45. or when i'm plucking up the courage to say something to them.

46. especially if they're very pretty, or at least interesting-looking.

47. one of the nicest compliments i've ever gotten is, "Vickie, you bring out the weird in people."

48. i still don't exactly understand what that means.

49. holy crap.

50. it's 2:23 in the morning.

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